Say Hello to Hyyphen Welcome

Take control of your visitor experience and increase staff efficiency with Hyyphen Welcome.

March 20, 2023
Say Hello to Hyyphen Welcome

Meet the next generation enterprise visitor management software

Take control of your visitor experience and increase staff efficiency with Hyyphen Welcome. Our software enables businesses to effectively manage visitors, enhance security, and improve the overall visitor experience.

Adapting to the new workforce

The pandemic and hybrid work models forced many businesses to adapt different tools to create more streamlined operations and to ensure processes were followed and security measures were in place.

Imagine arriving at an empty reception desk in a large enterprise office building for a meeting or to drop off a delivery. Any wait time could lead to frustration, which—in turn—could cause visitor frustration and have negative effects on your client relationships, business operations, branding, or bottom line, not to mention potential security risks.

Meet Hyyphen Welcome

Hyyphen Welcome is here to help! Automate reception duties when the welcome desk is not staffed. Hyyphen Welcome seamlessly integrates into a variety of enterprise and industrial applications and solutions, both cloud and on-premise, offering an all-encompassing modern solution for each enterprise. Our growing list of integrations includes Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google, email, and more.

Easily connect to your existing infrastructure

Connect Hyyphen Welcome to your existing infrastructure to simplify visitor access and increase building security. Easily connect your access control systems, motion and door sensors, video surveillance systems, and more.

A simple and effective user experience

Hyyphen Welcome offers a high-quality user experience, making it simple for new users and visitors to navigate through the application to enable you to create memorable experiences that support the personal relationships you worked hard to build.

What are you waiting for? Start creating high-quality experiences that support your relationships and increase building security!

Book a free one-on-one demo and see Hyyphen Welcome in action.